Noah Everly

C++ && Python Developer

C++ Certified by Pearson

Software • Full Stack • Server Technologies

About Me

Who I Am

I'm a 24 year old man living in the greater Richmond area. I'm pretty much anything I can cram into the 24-hour day. I have a great passion and drive for learning new things and creating things, and always looking for more projects or things to learn more about.

How I Got Into Programming

In my freshman year of highschool, I ran out of electives and took intro to programming. I had always loved technology, but didn't have any thoughts on programming. That class taught me two things... the first, that I loved programming. The second, that block programming like Scratch was a little too limited.
I convinced my guidance counselor to put me a year ahead into Visual Basic, which I spent the whole year using to make games on my graphing calculator. Then I took AP Computer Science and learned most of the core ideas of OOP and, more importantly, how to learn technologies on my own.

Technologies I've Used

While every technology you learn has an interesting story, I'll reduce these down to a barebones list for the sake of brevity:
Basic, C#, Visual Basic, Java, Eclipse IDE, Linux, basic P2P, port-forwarding, dedicated servers, SSH, FTP, Domains and DNS, SQL, Bootstrap (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP), Shell and Terminal, PowerShell, GitHub (console, of course), PC and Laptop Hardware, algorithms, time and space complexity, Unity, Unreal, Encryption/Encoding, Adobe Suite, and- of course- C++ and Python.



Make sure I'm staying busy with this handy lightweight scrape of githubs commit calendar!

(But I only use Github for my public projects, so if you're curious what I'm working on, just ask!)

Noah's Github chart